Some things have lasting value, regardless of time and place.
Geiger fashion is one of those things. A timeless style with clean lines, which translate new trends into unique Walk creations that, find admirers around the globe.
When in 1975 Alice and C.J. Neil Kvasnak started offering Geiger in their boutique „Skihaus“ in Middlebury, Vermont the Tyrolean brand took off like a rocket. In their first season they sold 30,000 pieces of Geiger. Due to their huge success the Geiger management appointed the Kvasnak’s to coordinate sales for the entire USA.
The excitement in which the American customers embraced Geiger Walk trends created a real “Geiger-boom”. Fashion made in Schwaz, Tyrol soon enjoyed a real “cult” status and Geiger fans started saying “It’s a Geiger” when they were talking about Walk
(boiled wool) jackets.